How to Check Node Js Version on Windows

How to check node.js version? [Check Node Version]

List of content you will read in this article:

  • 1. What is Node.js?
  • 2. How to check Node Version? [Check Node.js Vesion]
  • 3. Benefits of Node.js
  • 4. Drawbacks of Node.js
  • 5. Conclusion

Node.js is a widely adopted platform built on JavaScript runtime, allowing you to create scalable and web-based interactive applications efficiently. Node.js works on an event-driven and non-blocking I/O architecture, making it lightweight and perfect for creating data-intensive, real-time applications running on the distributed systems.  This article will give you a complete brief and step-by-step guide through which you can find how to check Node.js version i.e that can be installed on different platforms. Let's get started!

What is Node.js?

Node.js was developed as a server-side platform by Ryan Dahl in 2009. It's only been 12 years and has gained popularity within no time. This software is designed for helping the creation of web-based servers and networking tools with JavaScript and various modules. It is capable of handling numerous core functionalities. Node.js offers multiple modules that help in reducing the complications while writing the server applications using its APIs. Node.js is compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux systems.

It has been significantly less time than this software has managed to attract large enterprises. Some of the major companies that are relying on Node.js are Groupon, Netflix, IBM, Voxer, SAP, etc.

How to check Node Version? [Check Node.js Vesion]

Node.js is a cross-platform software that can be installed on various platforms. Over time, Node.js has multiple versions with advanced tools and technology. You can install and check the versions for Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems.

here you will get to know that how to check node version installed in your system along with the installation guide for  Linux, Windows, and Mac operating system.

1. How to install Node.js and how to check node.js version on Linux?

We are considering Ubuntu as a Linux distros here. You can easily find the Node.js within Ubuntu's repository and use commands for installing. Follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Press ctrl+alt+t for opening the terminal on your system and run this command to install Node.js.

sudo apt install nodejs

Check Node.js Version

Step 2: After installing the Node.js, check node version that you have installed with the help of the following command.

node -v or node –version

Step 3: It is strictly recommended that you install the Node package manager with Node.js. Npm offers you the open-source library of the Node.js packages. For installing NPM, use these commands.

sudo apt install npm

npm -v or npm –version

2. How to install Node and how to check Node version on windows?

To install Node.js on your Windows system, you need administrative rights on your user account and command line. Follow the below-mentioned steps if you want to install and check Node.js' version of Node.js in Windows.

Step 1: Navigate to the official download site of Node.js and select the Windows installer button. It will start the download for the latest version by default. The NPM installer comes with an NPM package manager.

Check Node Version

Step 2:After the completion of the download process, launch the installer. Open the directory where you store your download files.

Step 3:You will be asked if you want to run the software to confirm and click Run.

Step 4:You will be entered in the Node.js setup wizard and click on Next.

Step 5:You will be asked to accept the license, click Next after agreeing on the terms and conditions, and start installing the software.

Step 6:You will be asked for the software's location, and you can leave the default location or fill with the required path and click Next.

Step 7:Next, select the components you want to include and do not wish to include accordingly and click Next.

Step 8:At last, you can click on the Install option to run the installer and click on Finish.

Run the following command on the command prompt, and you can verify the installed version of Node.js.

node –v

3. How to install Node.js and how to check node.js version in Mac?

You can go through the following steps for installing Node.js on macOS.

Step 1: Go to the official download page for Node.js and select macOS.

how to Check Node.js Version

Step 2: Start running the download Node.js .pkg installer.

Step 3: Once the download process is complete, you can start running the installer, accepting all the details, and click install to finish the procedure.

Step 4: Once the installation process completed, you can find Node.js version i.e. installed in your system.

Run the following command to check the version of Node.js.

$ node -v

how to Check Node Version

Benefits of Node.js

Below are various benefits offered by Node.js:

1. Robust Technology Stack

After JavaScript, Node.js has become a robust stand-alone name in the programming field. It has experienced more than 368,985,988 downloads and over 750 contributors and is still growing. If you are using Node.js for backend development, you will automatically get all the advantages of full-stack development.

  • It offers better efficiency for improving the developer's productivity.
  • You can share and reuse the code.
  • It helps in enhancing the speed and performance of your project development.
  • It allows you to collaborate with your team efficiently for better productivity.
  • It provides you with a wide range of free tools.
  • It makes your team more flexible and requires less time in development.
  • It helps the developers to start server-side programming with minimum effort.

2. Perfect for Microservices

Node.js is a lightweight tool, making it suitable for microservices architecture. It allows you to break application logic into smaller modules rather than building a single and large monolithic core. It ensures better flexibility and scalability for the development process. It also helps you add more microservices to the existing ones rather than add more features using the basic application functionality.

We can consider how Node.js is helping the monovm web hosting platform enhance its performance over the competitors. It allows monovm to handle thousands of requests per second without creating any downtime with only 15 percent of the hardware, and it is possible due to Node.js.

3. Rich Ecosystem

Node.js comes with npm that provides a marketplace for open-source JavaScript tools and helps advance this technology. Node.js has a wide range of libraries and still adding over time, providing a rich ecosystem. Today, about 97 percent of the advanced web-based applications are using npm modules, proving its unstoppable contribution to the extensive development.

Due to its rich ecosystem, there is considerable potential for the growth of Node.js as technology and helps in creating new solutions without investing in the development process.

4. Strong Corporate Support

After Joyent supported the development of Node.js, it led to the creation of the Node.js foundation in 2015. It helps in adopting and accelerating Node.js development. Many major companies like IBM, PayPal, SAP, etc., have become the organization's founding members. With time, many companies are adopting Node.js. Also, there are very few open-source projects that have strong corporate support.

Drawbacks of Node.js

1. Performance Bottlenecks

When using Node.js, you may face some drawbacks like the inability to process the CPU-bound tasks efficiently. For understanding the root cause of the problem, you need to have a bit of context about the situation.

Everyone knows that we use Node.js as a runtime environment that helps in executing the JavaScript on the server-side. JavaScript is a front-end programming language that allows you to quickly use a single thread for processing the task. It will not require threading for working as all the tasks in JavaScript are lightweight and consume little CPU, which may lead to bottlenecks if there are multiple tasks to handle.

If we consider Node.js, the main problem occurs when it receives a CPU-bound task. Once it gets a heavy task, it will set all the CPU available for processing it first and later answer the other queued request. It will result in slow processing and delay in the event loop process, making Node.js unsuitable for handling heavy computation.

2. Immature Tools

However, Node.js consists of stable and mature modules, but there are numerous tools available in the npm registry that are of poor quality and are stored without being tested. It does not have a structured registry for offering the tools that are based on their rating and quality. It makes it a challenging situation for finding the best solution for your purposes without understanding the need for it.

Node.js ecosystem is open-source, and the quality is being supervised by Joyent. Still, there might be a possibility that the remaining tools lack quality standards set by the global organization.


Node.js has been widely popular due to its various benefits for creating web-based and interactive websites. However, it has multiple versions, and you can choose any but mostly preferred to use the latest version for experiencing better tools and functionality. You can go through the above article to know how you can install and check the installed version of Node.js. You can install Node.js on any platform quickly and seamlessly, following easy and straightforward steps.

People are also reading:

  • What is Node.js?
  • How to Install Node.js and NPM?
  • How to Update Node.js?
  • How to update NPM package to the latest version?
  • How to Check NPM Version?

How to Check Node Js Version on Windows


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