How to Uninstall Iis in Windows Server 2012 R2

Article: 100008756

Last Published: 2016-12-13

Ratings: 0 1

Product(s): Enterprise Vault


In certain situations a TSE may determine that IIS is corrupt affecting various parts of Enterprise Vault and that a complete uninstallation and reinstallation is necessary to resolve the issue.A standard removing of the IIS role and reinstallation does not necessarily remove all of the configuration information for IIS 7 and additional steps are needed. The technical note will cover all steps necessary to completely remove and reinstall IIS 7 on Windows 2008 R2.


To completely remove and reinstall IIS 7 and all related configuration information perform the following steps:

1.  Determine the IIS Virtual Directories for re-install of Enterprise Vault later in the steps (ie EnterpriseVault, EVIndexing, EVAnon, OWA and/or FSAReporting).
2.  Backup IIS7

a.     Log on to the Windows Server 2008 computer that is hosting the Operations Manager 2007 components with an account that has administrator rights.
b.      Open a command prompt by using the Run as Administrator option and change directory to %windir%\system32\inetsrv.
c.       At the command prompt, type appcmd add backup <backupname>. If you do not include the name of the backup, the system will name it for you by using a date, time format.

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd add backup System-32-inetsrv

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\appcmd add backup SysWOW64-inetsrv

Backups should be located in C:\Windows\System32\inetserv\backup\

3.  Remove IIS & from Server Roles

4.  Restart the Vault Server

5.  Remove Windows Process Activation Feature

6.  Restart the Vault Server

7.  Take ownership and permissions of the following folders:



C:\>takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\inetsrvC:\>takeown /f C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrvC:\>cacls C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv /G USERNAME:FC:\>cacls C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv /G USERNAME:F

Note: USERNAME is the Vault Service Account

8.  Turn off the following Services, if they exist and started

a.  Enterprise Vault Services

b.  DHCP Client

9.  Rename inetserv to inetserv.old in both system32 and SysWOW64 folders

10.  Rename MachineKey to MachineKey.old found in C:\Windows\System32\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA

11.  Install IIS Role

a. Common HTTP Features: install all components

b. Application Development: install all except CGI

c. Health and Diagnostics: install all components except Custom Logging and ODBC Logging

d. Security: install all components except IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

e. Performance: install Static Content Compression only

f.  Management Tools: install all components

g. FTP Server and IIS Hostable Web Core are normally not installed.

12.  Install Windows Process Activation Feature.  Install Process Model, .Net Environment and Configuration APIs

13.  Re-Install Enterprise Vault including restart of the vault server.

14.  Start the Vault Admin Service and review Event log for errors.

15.  Start the Directory Service and review event log for errors

16.  Start the Storage Service and review event log for errors

17.  Start the Indexing Service and review event log for errors

18.  Start the Shopping Service , Task Controller Service and review the event log for errors

19.  Install additional components as found in step one (ie. OWA, FSAReporting, etc.)

Test the functionality.

Applies To

Server OS: 2008r2
EV Version: 9.0.2=>9.0.4
Number of EV Servers: 1
Storage Type/Version/Mode: local discs
Outlook Version: 2007sp2
CA Version: /EV Binaries Version: n/a
DA Version: /EV Binaries Version: n/a
Exchange Version: 2010sp1
SharePoint Version: MOSS /WSS: n/a
SQL Server Version: 2008r2 sp1
Cluster info: sql yes.
Virtual Environment: virtual
Anti Virus: AV Exclusions verified:

Client OS: win7 xp
Outlook Version: 2010 and 2007
Anti Virus: AV Exclusions verified:

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How to Uninstall Iis in Windows Server 2012 R2


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